National PTSD Screening Day

June 27th, 2022 is National PTSD Screening Day

June 27th, 2022 is National PTSD Screening Day, as envisioned by the National Center for PTSD. Anyone who has encountered a life event that they deem to be traumatic in nature is encouraged to consider taking a free screening questionnaire, or to contact a trusted mental health professional. Try this brief screener from Mental Health America:

It’s important to remember that PTSD is a normal reaction to an abnormal event. There's no shame in the experience of the symptoms, though they can be debilitating. Help is out there and recovery is possible so don't delay. If you or a loved one is struggling, reach out to seek help today.

If you would like more information on PTSD for yourself or someone you care about, please visit our PTSD information page to learn more about why individuals develop PTSD, what it is, the evidence-based treatments available for PTSD, and what can be expected in therapy for PTSD. If you are interested in discussing the possibility of treatment and would like to schedule a consultation or book a session, feel free to call our office at (919) 245-7791 x5, or contact us when you’re ready.

We’re here for you no matter where you are in the recovery process. We recognize that sometimes the act of seeking help can feel overwhelming. Just the fact that you’re reading this blog is a big step in gathering information; empowering you and allowing you to make more informed decisions for you or a loved one.

We applaud the courage it takes to consider addressing difficult issues from the past. We want you to know that PTSD does not last forever, and that treatment is not as scary as it seems. Our providers are skilled in helping our clients feel prepared and safe when they start therapy. If you choose to start therapy, you and your provider work as a team, and approach your care as such. You will never be alone and will have a clear plan from the start.

We love helping our clients change their relationship to their past so that they can start living again in the present. When you’re ready, we’re ready to help.